Typical funnel plots for this condition
<-- Slide through demo data set 1 to 10 to see some other exemplary funnel plots for this condition.
- Blue triangle is the region of non-significance; dotted black triangle is the funnel of the naive random-effects meta-analysis.
- The red dot at the bottom shows the true effect size. Blue dots show the naive random-effects estimate, and PET and PEESE estimates, if selected.
Is there an effect or not?
Note: H0 is rejected if the p-value is < .05 and the estimate is in the expected direction.
Under H0
If in reality there is no effect: What is the probability that a method falsely concludes 'There is an effect'?
Under H1
If in reality there is an effect: What is the probability that a method detects it?
RE = random effects meta-analysis, TF = trim-and-fill, PET = precision effect test, PEESE = precision effect estimate with standard errors, PET-PEESE = conditional estimator, 3PSM = three parameter selection model, 4PSM = four parameter selection model, WAAP = weighted average of adequately powered studies, WLS = Weigthed least squares estimator, WAAP-WLS = conditional estimator
Bias-corrected estimates of the true effect
Note: Negative estimates are set to zero.
RE = random effects meta-analysis, TF = trim-and-fill, PET = precision effect test, PEESE = precision effect estimate with standard errors, PET-PEESE = conditional estimator, 3PSM = three parameter selection model, 4PSM = four parameter selection model, WAAP = weighted average of adequately powered studies, WLS = Weigthed least squares estimator, WAAP-WLS = conditional estimator
Horizontal error bars are 95% quantiles (i.e., 95% of simulated replications were in that range).
Under which conditions does a method perform well?
This app provides all results for the publication:
Carter, E. C., Schönbrodt, F. D., Gervais, W. M., & Hilgard, J. (2019). Correcting for Bias in Psychology: A Comparison of Meta-Analytic Methods. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2. doi:10.1177/2515245919847196
Preprint available at https://osf.io/rf3ys/
If you refer to this app, please cite this publication.
The full R code for the app is at
Version history
- 1.0 (2019/03/01): Version at journal's acceptance
- 0.2 (2018/02/01): Revised release (with submission of revision of the paper). Based on tagged Github version 0.2.
- 0.1 (2017/05/18): Initial release (with submission of paper / release of preprint). Based on tagged Github version 0.1.